
Todd Stashwick's Mystic Libations - Full Interview

Tabletop News Host Michelle Nguyen Bradley interviews Todd Stashwick about his fantasy-themed Cocktail Recipe book Mystic Libations! #TTRPG #TabletopNews #TabletopGaming

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Michelle Nguyen Bradley | https://instagram.com/iamchubbybunny/

Director: Nathan Ondracek

Lead Writer: Garrett Palm

Writers: Janel SantaCruz, James Rodehaver

Researchers: Leah Frampton, Gabe Pollock

DP: Jared Hoy

Editors: Christopher E. Garcia, Adam Rady

Assistant Editor: Andrew Fogel

Social Media: Skyler Seymour

Line Producer: Glenn Akers

Thumbnail: Ness Cardano

Captions: Adam Lau

Producers: Adam Rady, Michelle Nguyen Bradley, Nathan Ondracek, Katie Wilson

Special Guest:

Todd Stashwick | https://instagram.com/tstashwick/

Royalty-Free Music: http://epidemicsound.com & https://motionarray.com


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